A downloadable game

You are the owner of the 'Face Fixer Shack', where people come to get their faces 'fixed' so they match their fake IDs. You will be shown their fake ID and must memorise how it looks, before thenn customising their face so it matches their ID.

The game is played with just a mouse, click on the ID once you think you've memorised it, and click the buttons on the right to choose each facial feature.

Each shift lasts only two minutes, so the faster you work, the better, but the less their face looks like their ID, the less you'll earn.

This game was developed in a week during a personal game jam, using the prompt: The worst fake ID anyone has ever seen.

Published 9 days ago
Tags2D, High Score, memory


FixMyFace.zip 29 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the file, then open the exe within the folder

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